ENTERPRISE: Since 1993 we try our best to produce optimum solutions for you as our patients. This holds true for both our branches, the certified branch of dental laboratory technology as well as the branch of individual medical technology. In the area of dental technology we established long-term co-operation with dentists to trustfully work on your individual dental prostheses. Many content patients are our reward. In the area of artificial respiration for more than 20 years we are providing highly individual solutions for the benefit of many content patients. We do this in close co-operation with clinics specialized on pneumology, university hospitals, doctors specialized on pulmonary diseases and research institutions. Our experiences gained in decades serve for your benefit as our patient for an individual mask. The requests to our portfolio of products are as diverse as our patients are.
In 1998 for the first time we started registering our solution concept successfully as a patent. The most recent registration was brought forward in 2016. Our enterprise is certified as provider of support accepted by all German health insurance companies. Since 2005 we regularly contribute to capacity building activities for hospital staff working with individual masks in order to make our innovations know to those who can prescribe such medical treatment.
It is our passion in our day-to-day work to optimize our products and further develop new innovations in order to increase your quality of life as our patient. Especially brand new technologies like 3-D scan and 3-D print provide possibilities so far unknown to find a functioning, uncomplicated and ideal solution for you as a patient needing artificial respiration. Results of recent research projects are constantly integrated into our products. To help you to enhance your quality of life remains our constant motivation.

Uli Steiner, certified dental master technician, founder and owner of the enterprise